Monday, February 15, 2010

Postcard From a Waitress in Sylva

I used to think the reason I haven't accomplished anything with my life was a lack of time.
Today I played Mario Kart for five hours and unlocked two characters.
I felt like I had accomplished something.
I'm starting to think there's a flaw in my reasoning.

I sat outside the restaurant I work at tonight and smoked a cigarette while drinking some wine. A seedy looking bearded man stopped his over-sized truck to rev his engine and wave at me, then sped off down the street at a rate of approximately sixty miles an hour. I think this was somehow intended to be a compliment and I felt sad.

The women I work for recently suggested cutting our waitstaff shifts by more than half. When I attempted to lament the unfairness of this she said "Not to sound harsh, but sometimes that's what happens when you chose to wait tables." I still can't think of a reason she's wrong.

In the box of candy hearts left over from Valentine's Day, I found one that said "Let's Talk." My co-worker and I came up with about five different ways that phrase can be a precursor to something bad (or sad), but none for something happy. We also received a package with the phrase "Do not destroy" stamped on the front and decided that's generally good advice for everything.

Audio Obsession: Wild Beasts- His Grinning Skull


  1. "we need to talk", which is the long way of saying "let's talk", is the single worse phrase in the english language. whenever i hear it...i inwardly start to panic. sometimes outwardly.

    it should be discarded.

  2. I taped that candy heart up in our wait-station, along with a note we found on the floor that says "Just so you know, the only reason I was nice to you was because I was drunk."

  3. oh shit...that's way harsh...the note that is.
